среда, 4 октября 2017 г.

CarTaxi reliable towing and safety. Today is tomorrow the day after tomorrow. ICO.

Kartasy project is a platform based on the block system, which is designed for towing and transporting vehicles. It's global completely A new project that will be able to provide its users with a fast towing machine at the right time to the right place. Thus it will not be necessary to pay to intermediary services, and it is favorable to pay for service. Detailed information on the site https://cartaxi.io/
In the experience of every car enthusiast there are not very pleasant moments, when the car stalled and there is no possibility to go further. And for delivery of the car to the SRT it is necessary after this to make a series of actions that take away unnecessary time and nerves. Here and comes to the rescue of the automated service CarTaxi. With the help of this service you can in a matter of seconds be able to call the tug to the desired place. At the same time, you will immediately clearly see how much you will have to pay, and also choose the suitable option for yourself, thanks to the rating system. You can also evaluate the service after it is provided. Service CarTaxi is really convenient not only for the owner of cars, this platform can be used for towing vehicles to their relatives, towing cars even without the owner. At the same time, CarTaxi guarantees the reliability and safety of towing. CarTaxi is a working service. This service was developed in late 2016, a team of professionals was assembled, the first versions of the service were tested and improved, and already in 2017 this platform became available to the masses. And most importantly, the platform is working until today. At the same time, it does not stand still, but it evenly develops and expands the base of users and its partners. To date, the service CarTaxi operates in 20 cities of Russia, and also found partners for the possibility of launching the platform in China and the United States. This is a global project that is supported, because they believe in its future. The CarTaxi project team takes the prototype of the UBER platform model for itself. Almost anywhere in the world you can go to the application from your phone or computer and order a taxi. And it's convenient and fast, which makes UBER popular with a huge number of people. CarTaxi is a taxi, but a taxi for cars, and not for people, which is no less in demand. The principle of the CarTaxi service. The first thing you need to do is install the application on your phone, specify the necessary notes for your car, choose the payment method (cash or bank card), wait until the service indicates the most suitable tow for you, depending on the specified data, and create an order. And in the near future the tug will be in place, as the nearest tug to your location will be on the order. At the same time, before you arrive, you will see the final cost of the service, as well as the route along which the tug goes to you, which allows you to fully control the situation, and not secondary people. Automated service CarTaxi has a tremendous superiority over other campaigns in this area. Since it has such functions as speed, efficiency, safety and convenience. The users of the platform also agree with this, as the growth of the user segment is clearly observed, which gives the incentive for the CarTaxi team to grow and develop further, and also to reach the European level, and then to the world level. The CarTaxi team consists of IT developers and engineers, consultants, managers, lawyers, marketers, who have extensive experience in conducting successful projects, and skills in working with blocking technology. CarTaxi team can be supported by participation in the ICO, which will be held from 29 September to 29 October 2017. And also you can take part in the bounty program ICO, in order to distribute as much as possible the information on the first automated towing service for vehicles. Details of ICO. The name of the token is Cartaxi. Stock ticker - CTX. Platform - Ethereum. The number of tokens on the presley is 12 500 000. Duration of presey 30.08.17 - 19.09.17. The price of the token on the pre-1 CTX = 0.000243 ETH. The minimum goal of the presail is 492.9 ETH. The number of tokens for ICO is 487 500 000. The duration of the ICO is 29.09.17 - 29.10.17. The price of the token on the ICO is 1 CTX = 0.000443 ETH. Unsold tokens will be burned. Tokens will be available in the accounts after the ICO. Distribution of tokens. The total number of tokens is 750,000,000. For distribution - 500 million. The team - 250 000 000. Road map. After the ICO, in Q3 2017 the project will continue to develop in the Russian market and prepare the Chinese and American infrastructure of the project. From the 4th quarter of 2017, the introduction of insurance for transported cars and blocking technology will be implemented. Since 2018, active promotion in the markets of China and the United States, the opening of offices in Asia, Europe and South America. Since 2018, the platform has been scaled to global leadership and achieved target revenues of $ 970 million in 2020-2021.
